Hide and Seek!

Documentation on how the Hide and Seek game works.
Externally dubbed: Windtrace.

Map IDs

TODO: Document the map IDs of Windtrace.

TODO: Investigate ServerGlobalValueChangeNotify

Asking Players to Play in a Co-Op Game

  1. The client will send DraftOwnerStartInviteReq
  2. The server will send DraftOwnerInviteNotify to all clients.
  3. The server will send DraftOwnerStartInviteRsp

Matching in a Co-Op Game

  1. World owner talks to Gygax and begins a Windtrace game.
  2. The packet DraftOwnerInviteNotify is sent to clients.
  3. Clients will respond with DraftGuestReplyInviteReq (client-side)
  4. The server will respond with DraftGuestReplyInviteRsp
  5. The server will respond with DraftInviteResultNotify

Starting Windtrace

  1. If DraftInviteResultNotify is a success, the server will send a series of packets.
    1. A series of SceneEntityAppearNotify packets.
    2. NpcTalkStateNotify
    3. PlayerEnterSceneNotify
    4. MultistagePlayInfoNotify
  2. The players are then teleported to the Windtrace map in their locations.
  3. Server will send packets to clients. (this is server boilerplate)
  4. The server sends another MultistagePlayInfoNotify to clients.

Changing Avatars - Others

  1. The server will send a AvatarEquipChangeNotify packet to clients.
  2. The server will send a SceneTeamUpdateNotify packet to clients.
  3. The server will send a HideAndSeekPlayerSetAvatarNotify packet to clients.

Getting Ready

  1. The client will send HideAndSeekSetReadyReq to the server.
  2. The server will reply with HideAndSeekPlayerReadyNotify to clients.
  3. The server will send MultistagePlayInfoNotify to clients.
  4. The server will reply with HideAndSeekSetReadyRsp to the client.
  5. If all players are ready, the server will move on to start Windtrace.

Starting Windtrace

  1. When all players are ready, the server will send a series of packets to players.
    1. GalleryStartNotify
    2. SceneGalleryInfoNotify
    3. MultistagePlayInfoNotify
    4. MultistagePlayStageEndNotify
    5. This will only get sent at the 1. countdown.


  • GuestReplyInviteRsp is sent after DraftInviteResultNotify.


  • invite_deadline_time - This is the time when the invite expires.
  • draft_id - The value is always 3001 for Windtrace.


  • draft_id - The value is always 3001 for Windtrace.


  • draft_id - The value is always 3001 for Windtrace.
  • invite_fail_info_list - A list of players who weren't invited.
  • retcode - The response code.
  • wrong_uid - Always 0. (undocumented)


  • draft_id - The value is always 3001 for Windtrace.
  • is_agree - A boolean value for whether the client accepts the invite.


  • draft_id - The value is always 3001 for Windtrace.
  • retcode - Response code for the request.
  • is_agree - A boolean value for whether the server acknowledges the client's invite acceptation.


  • draft_id - The value is always 3001 for Windtrace.
  • is_all_agree - A boolean value for whether all clients accepted the invite.


  • is_ban - This value is always true when entering Windtrace.


  • pos - This is where the player will be teleported to.
    • This value depends on if the player is a hunter or a runner.
    • This value is set by the server and must be hardcoded/read from a JSON file.


  • play_index - Value picked by the server. (use 1)
  • group_id - This value is always 133002121 for Windtrace.

MultistagePlayInfoNotify - Initial + PostEnterSceneReq

  • Image Reference: img.png
  • info - MultistagePlayInfo data.
    • group_id - The value is always 133002121 for Windtrace.
    • play_index - Value picked by the server. (use 1)
    • hide_and_seek_info - Information about Windtrace.
      • hider_uid_list - A list of UIDs (ints) of the hiders.
      • hunter_uid - The UID (int) of the hunter.
      • map_id - The ID of the Windtrace map.
      • stage_type - Windtrace state.
        • This will be HIDE_AND_SEEK_STAGE_TYPE_PREPARE.
      • battle_info_map - Contains a dictionary of UID -> HideAndSeekPlayerBattleInfo objects.
        • skill_list - Array of 3 values of skill IDs chosen by the player.
        • avatar_id - The ID of the avatar the player wants to use.
        • is_ready - The player's in-game ready state.
        • costume_id - The costume the player's avatar is wearing.

MultistagePlayInfoNotify - Picking Avatars

  • Image Reference: img.png
  • Note: This packet matches the initial structure and data.
  • info.hide_and_seek_info.stage_type - This will be HIDE_AND_SEEK_STAGE_TYPE_PICK.

MultistagePlayInfoNotify - Starting Windtrace

  • Image Reference: img.png
  • Note: This packet matches the initial structure and data.
  • info.hide_and_seek_info.stage_type - This will be HIDE_AND_SEEK_STAGE_TYPE_HIDE.

MultistagePlayInfoNotify - Seeking Time

  • Image Reference: img.png
  • Note: This packet matches the initial structure and data.
    • info.hide_and_seek_info.stage_type - This will be HIDE_AND_SEEK_STAGE_TYPE_SEEK.

MultistagePlayInfoNotify - Finish Windtrace

  • Image Reference: img.png
  • Note: This packet matches the initial structure and data.
    • info.hide_and_seek_info.stage_type - This will be HIDE_AND_SEEK_STAGE_TYPE_SETTLE.


  • avatar_id - The ID of the new avatar the player wants to use.
  • uid - The UID of the player who changed their avatar.
  • costume_id - The costume the player's avatar is wearing.


  • retcode - Response code for the request.


  • uid_list - A list of UIDs (ints) of the players who are ready.


  • gallery_id - TODO: Check if this value is always 7056 for Windtrace.
  • start_time - This value is always 2444 for Windtrace.
    • This value is 200 when displaying game end statistics.
  • owner_uid - The UID of the player who started the Windtrace game.
  • player_count - The number of players in the Windtrace game.
  • end_time - This value is always the same as start_time.

SceneGalleryInfoNotify - Starting Windtrace

  • gallery_info - SceneGalleryInfo data.
    • end_time - This value is always the same as start_time.
    • start_time - This value is always 2444 for Windtrace.
      • This value is 200 when displaying game end statistics.
    • gallery_id - This value is always the same as gallery_id from GalleryStartNotify.
    • stage - The current stage of the gallery.
      • This will be GALLERY_STAGE_TYPE_START.
    • owner_uid - The UID of the player who started the Windtrace game.
    • hide_and_seek_info - SceneGalleryHideAndSeekInfo
      • visible_uid_list - List of UIDs (ints) of the players who were left alive.
      • caught_uid_list - List of UIDs (ints) of the players who have been caught.
    • player_count - The amount of players in the Windtrace game.
    • pre_start_end_time - This value is always 0 for Windtrace.


  • reason - The reason for the game ending.
  • winner_list - A list of UIDs (ints) of the players who won the game.
  • settle_info_list - HideAndSeekSettleInfo data.
    • This is a list of players who participated in the game.


  • card_list - A collection of ExhibitionDisplayInfo
    • If unknown: hardcode the specified values. img.png
    • These values are repeated during testing.
  • uid - The UID of the player who participated in the game.
  • nickname - The player's nickname.
  • head_image - This value is always 0.
  • online_id - This value is always blank.
  • profile_picture - ProfilePicture object.
  • play_index - Value picked by the server. (use 1)
  • stage_type - The stage type. (inconclusive; TODO)
  • cost_time - The amount of time the player took to complete the game.
  • score_list - A list of player scores.


  • id - The ID of the reward.
  • param - The amount of the reward given.
  • detail_param - This value is mostly 0.
    • This value matches param when the reward is of the amount of time spent playing. (participation reward)