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package emu.grasscutter.game.dungeons;
import emu.grasscutter.Grasscutter;
import emu.grasscutter.data.GameData;
import emu.grasscutter.data.common.ItemParamData;
import emu.grasscutter.data.excels.dungeon.DungeonData;
import emu.grasscutter.data.excels.dungeon.DungeonPassConfigData;
import emu.grasscutter.game.activity.trialavatar.TrialAvatarActivityHandler;
import emu.grasscutter.game.dungeons.dungeon_results.BaseDungeonResult;
import emu.grasscutter.game.dungeons.enums.DungeonPassConditionType;
import emu.grasscutter.game.inventory.GameItem;
import emu.grasscutter.game.player.Player;
import emu.grasscutter.game.props.ActionReason;
import emu.grasscutter.game.props.ActivityType;
import emu.grasscutter.game.props.WatcherTriggerType;
import emu.grasscutter.game.quest.enums.LogicType;
import emu.grasscutter.game.quest.enums.QuestContent;
import emu.grasscutter.game.world.Scene;
import emu.grasscutter.scripts.constants.EventType;
import emu.grasscutter.scripts.data.ScriptArgs;
import emu.grasscutter.server.packet.send.PacketDungeonWayPointNotify;
import emu.grasscutter.server.packet.send.PacketGadgetAutoPickDropInfoNotify;
import emu.grasscutter.utils.Position;
import emu.grasscutter.utils.Utils;
import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.ints.IntOpenHashSet;
import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.ints.IntSet;
import lombok.Getter;
import lombok.NonNull;
import lombok.val;
import javax.annotation.Nullable;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.stream.Collectors;
import java.util.stream.IntStream;
* TODO handle time limits
* TODO handle respawn points
* TODO handle team wipes and respawns
* TODO check monster level and levelConfigMap
public final class DungeonManager {
@Getter private final Scene scene;
@Getter private final DungeonData dungeonData;
@Getter private final DungeonPassConfigData passConfigData;
@Getter private final int[] finishedConditions;
private final IntSet rewardedPlayers = new IntOpenHashSet();
private final Set<Integer> activeDungeonWayPoints = new HashSet<>();
private boolean ended = false;
private int newestWayPoint = 0;
@Getter private int startSceneTime = 0;
DungeonTrialTeam trialTeam = null;
public DungeonManager(@NonNull Scene scene, @NonNull DungeonData dungeonData) {
this.scene = scene;
this.dungeonData = dungeonData;
this.passConfigData = GameData.getDungeonPassConfigDataMap().get(dungeonData.getPassCond());
this.finishedConditions = new int[passConfigData.getConds().size()];
public void triggerEvent(DungeonPassConditionType conditionType, int... params) {
if (ended) {
for (int i = 0; i < passConfigData.getConds().size(); i++) {
var cond = passConfigData.getConds().get(i);
if (conditionType == cond.getCondType()) {
if (getScene().getWorld().getServer().getDungeonSystem().triggerCondition(cond, params)) {
finishedConditions[i] = 1;
if (isFinishedSuccessfully()) {
public boolean isFinishedSuccessfully() {
return LogicType.calculate(passConfigData.getLogicType(), finishedConditions);
public int getLevelForMonster(int id) {
//TODO should use levelConfigMap? and how?
return dungeonData.getShowLevel();
public boolean activateRespawnPoint(int pointId) {
val respawnPoint = GameData.getScenePointEntryById(scene.getId(), pointId);
if (respawnPoint == null) {
Grasscutter.getLogger().warn("trying to activate unknown respawn point {}", pointId);
return false;
scene.broadcastPacket(new PacketDungeonWayPointNotify(activeDungeonWayPoints.add(pointId), activeDungeonWayPoints));
newestWayPoint = pointId;
Grasscutter.getLogger().debug("[unimplemented respawn] activated respawn point {}", pointId);
return true;
public Position getRespawnLocation() {
if (newestWayPoint == 0) { // validity is checked before setting it, so if != 0 its always valid
return null;
var pointData = GameData.getScenePointEntryById(scene.getId(), newestWayPoint).getPointData();
return pointData.getTranPos() != null ? pointData.getTranPos() : pointData.getPos();
public Position getRespawnRotation() {
if (newestWayPoint == 0) { // validity is checked before setting it, so if != 0 its always valid
return null;
val pointData = GameData.getScenePointEntryById(scene.getId(), newestWayPoint).getPointData();
return pointData.getRot() != null ? pointData.getRot() : null;
public boolean getStatueDrops(Player player, boolean useCondensed, int groupId) {
if (!isFinishedSuccessfully() || dungeonData.getRewardPreviewData() == null || dungeonData.getRewardPreviewData().getPreviewItems().length == 0) {
return false;
// Already rewarded
if (rewardedPlayers.contains(player.getUid())) {
return false;
if (!handleCost(player, useCondensed)) {
return false;
// Get and roll rewards.
List<GameItem> rewards = new ArrayList<>(this.rollRewards(useCondensed));
// Add rewards to player and send notification.
player.getInventory().addItems(rewards, ActionReason.DungeonStatueDrop);
player.sendPacket(new PacketGadgetAutoPickDropInfoNotify(rewards));
scene.getScriptManager().callEvent(new ScriptArgs(groupId, EventType.EVENT_DUNGEON_REWARD_GET));
return true;
public boolean handleCost(Player player, boolean useCondensed) {
int resinCost = dungeonData.getStatueCostCount() != 0 ? dungeonData.getStatueCostCount() : 20;
if (resinCost == 0) {
return true;
if (useCondensed) {
// Check if condensed resin is usable here.
// For this, we use the following logic for now:
// The normal resin cost of the dungeon has to be 20.
if (resinCost != 20) {
return false;
// Spend the condensed resin and only proceed if the transaction succeeds.
return player.getResinManager().useCondensedResin(1);
} else if (dungeonData.getStatueCostID() == 106) {
// Spend the resin and only proceed if the transaction succeeds.
return player.getResinManager().useResin(resinCost);
return true;
private List<GameItem> rollRewards(boolean useCondensed) {
List<GameItem> rewards = new ArrayList<>();
int dungeonId = this.dungeonData.getId();
// If we have specific drop data for this dungeon, we use it.
if (GameData.getDungeonDropDataMap().containsKey(dungeonId)) {
List<DungeonDropEntry> dropEntries = GameData.getDungeonDropDataMap().get(dungeonId);
// Roll for each drop group.
for (var entry : dropEntries) {
// Determine the number of drops we get for this entry.
int start = entry.getCounts().get(0);
int end = entry.getCounts().get(entry.getCounts().size() - 1);
var candidateAmounts = IntStream.range(start, end + 1).boxed().collect(Collectors.toList());
int amount = Utils.drawRandomListElement(candidateAmounts, entry.getProbabilities());
if (useCondensed) {
amount += Utils.drawRandomListElement(candidateAmounts, entry.getProbabilities());
// Double rewards in multiplay mode, if specified.
if (entry.isMpDouble() && this.getScene().getPlayerCount() > 1) {
amount *= 2;
// Roll items for this group.
// Here, we have to handle stacking, or the client will not display results correctly.
// For now, we use the following logic: If the possible drop item are a list of multiple items,
// we roll them separately. If not, we stack them. This should work out in practice, at least
// for the currently existing set of dungeons.
if (entry.getItems().size() == 1) {
rewards.add(new GameItem(entry.getItems().get(0), amount));
} else {
for (int i = 0; i < amount; i++) {
// int itemIndex = ThreadLocalRandom.current().nextInt(0, entry.getItems().size());
// int itemId = entry.getItems().get(itemIndex);
int itemId = Utils.drawRandomListElement(entry.getItems(), entry.getItemProbabilities());
rewards.add(new GameItem(itemId, 1));
// Otherwise, we fall back to the preview data.
else {
Grasscutter.getLogger().info("No drop data found or dungeon {}, falling back to preview data ...", dungeonId);
for (ItemParamData param : dungeonData.getRewardPreviewData().getPreviewItems()) {
rewards.add(new GameItem(param.getId(), Math.max(param.getCount(), 1)));
return rewards;
public void applyTrialTeam(Player player) {
if (getDungeonData() == null) return;
switch (getDungeonData().getType()) {
// case DUNGEON_PLOT is handled by quest execs
switch (getDungeonData().getPlayType()) {
val activityHandler = player.getActivityManager()
.getActivityHandlerAs(ActivityType.NEW_ACTIVITY_TRIAL_AVATAR, TrialAvatarActivityHandler.class);
activityHandler.ifPresent(trialAvatarActivityHandler ->
this.trialTeam = trialAvatarActivityHandler.getTrialAvatarDungeonTeam());
if (this.trialTeam != null) {
public void unsetTrialTeam(Player player){
if (this.trialTeam == null) return;
this.trialTeam = null;
public void startDungeon() {
this.startSceneTime = scene.getSceneTimeSeconds();
scene.getPlayers().forEach(p -> {
p.getQuestManager().queueEvent(QuestContent.QUEST_CONTENT_ENTER_DUNGEON, dungeonData.getId());
public void finishDungeon() {
public void notifyEndDungeon(boolean successfully) {
scene.getPlayers().forEach(p -> {
// Quest trigger
p.getQuestManager().queueEvent(successfully ?
// Battle pass trigger
if (dungeonData.getType().isCountsToBattlepass() && successfully) {
scene.getScriptManager().callEvent(new ScriptArgs(0, EventType.EVENT_DUNGEON_SETTLE, successfully ? 1 : 0));
public void quitDungeon() {
public void failDungeon() {
public void endDungeon(BaseDungeonResult.DungeonEndReason endReason) {
if (scene.getDungeonSettleListeners() != null) {
scene.getDungeonSettleListeners().forEach(o -> o.onDungeonSettle(this, endReason));
ended = true;
public void restartDungeon() {
Arrays.fill(finishedConditions, 0);
this.ended = false;
public void cleanUpScene() {