2022-07-22 19:08:26 +09:30

304 lines
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package emu.grasscutter.command;
import emu.grasscutter.Grasscutter;
import emu.grasscutter.game.player.Player;
import org.reflections.Reflections;
import java.util.*;
@SuppressWarnings({"UnusedReturnValue", "unused"})
public final class CommandMap {
private final Map<String, CommandHandler> commands = new TreeMap<>();
private final Map<String, CommandHandler> aliases = new TreeMap<>();
private final Map<String, Command> annotations = new TreeMap<>();
private final Map<String, Integer> targetPlayerIds = new HashMap<>();
private static final String consoleId = "console";
public CommandMap() {
public CommandMap(boolean scan) {
if (scan) this.scan();
public static CommandMap getInstance() {
return Grasscutter.getGameServer().getCommandMap();
* Register a command handler.
* @param label The command label.
* @param command The command handler.
* @return Instance chaining.
public CommandMap registerCommand(String label, CommandHandler command) {
Grasscutter.getLogger().debug("Registered command: " + label);
label = label.toLowerCase();
// Get command data.
Command annotation = command.getClass().getAnnotation(Command.class);
this.annotations.put(label, annotation);
this.commands.put(label, command);
// Register aliases.
if (annotation.aliases().length > 0) {
for (String alias : annotation.aliases()) {
this.aliases.put(alias, command);
this.annotations.put(alias, annotation);
return this;
* Removes a registered command handler.
* @param label The command label.
* @return Instance chaining.
public CommandMap unregisterCommand(String label) {
Grasscutter.getLogger().debug("Unregistered command: " + label);
CommandHandler handler = this.commands.get(label);
if (handler == null) return this;
Command annotation = handler.getClass().getAnnotation(Command.class);
// Unregister aliases.
if (annotation.aliases().length > 0) {
for (String alias : annotation.aliases()) {
return this;
public List<Command> getAnnotationsAsList() {
return new LinkedList<>(this.annotations.values());
public HashMap<String, Command> getAnnotations() {
return new LinkedHashMap<>(this.annotations);
* Returns a list of all registered commands.
* @return All command handlers as a list.
public List<CommandHandler> getHandlersAsList() {
return new LinkedList<>(this.commands.values());
public HashMap<String, CommandHandler> getHandlers() {
return new LinkedHashMap<>(this.commands);
* Returns a handler by label/alias.
* @param label The command label.
* @return The command handler.
public CommandHandler getHandler(String label) {
CommandHandler handler = this.commands.get(label);
if (handler == null) {
// Try getting by alias
handler = this.aliases.get(label);
return handler;
private Player getTargetPlayer(String playerId, Player player, Player targetPlayer, List<String> args) {
// Top priority: If any @UID argument is present, override targetPlayer with it.
for (int i = 0; i < args.size(); i++) {
String arg = args.get(i);
if (arg.startsWith("@")) {
arg = args.remove(i).substring(1);
if (arg.equals("")) {
// This is a special case to target nothing, distinct from failing to assign a target.
// This is specifically to allow in-game players to run a command without targeting themselves or anyone else.
return null;
try {
int uid = Integer.parseInt(arg);
targetPlayer = Grasscutter.getGameServer().getPlayerByUid(uid, true);
if (targetPlayer == null) {
CommandHandler.sendTranslatedMessage(player, "commands.execution.player_exist_error");
throw new IllegalArgumentException();
return targetPlayer;
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
CommandHandler.sendTranslatedMessage(player, "commands.generic.invalid.uid");
throw new IllegalArgumentException();
// Next priority: If we invoked with a target, use that.
// By default, this only happens when you message another player in-game with a command.
if (targetPlayer != null) {
return targetPlayer;
// Next priority: Use previously-set target. (see /target [[@]UID])
if (targetPlayerIds.containsKey(playerId)) {
targetPlayer = Grasscutter.getGameServer().getPlayerByUid(targetPlayerIds.get(playerId), true);
// We check every time in case the target is deleted after being targeted
if (targetPlayer == null) {
CommandHandler.sendTranslatedMessage(player, "commands.execution.player_exist_error");
throw new IllegalArgumentException();
return targetPlayer;
// Lowest priority: Target the player invoking the command. In the case of the console, this will return null.
return player;
private boolean setPlayerTarget(String playerId, Player player, String targetUid) {
if (targetUid.equals("")) { // Clears the default targetPlayer.
CommandHandler.sendTranslatedMessage(player, "commands.execution.clear_target");
return true;
// Sets default targetPlayer to the UID provided.
try {
int uid = Integer.parseInt(targetUid);
Player targetPlayer = Grasscutter.getGameServer().getPlayerByUid(uid, true);
if (targetPlayer == null) {
CommandHandler.sendTranslatedMessage(player, "commands.execution.player_exist_error");
return false;
targetPlayerIds.put(playerId, uid);
CommandHandler.sendTranslatedMessage(player, "commands.execution.set_target", targetUid);
CommandHandler.sendTranslatedMessage(player, targetPlayer.isOnline()? "commands.execution.set_target_online" : "commands.execution.set_target_offline", targetUid);
return true;
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
CommandHandler.sendTranslatedMessage(player, "commands.generic.invalid.uid");
return false;
* Invoke a command handler with the given arguments.
* @param player The player invoking the command or null for the server console.
* @param rawMessage The messaged used to invoke the command.
public void invoke(Player player, Player targetPlayer, String rawMessage) {
rawMessage = rawMessage.trim();
if (rawMessage.length() == 0) {
CommandHandler.sendTranslatedMessage(player, "commands.generic.not_specified");
// Parse message.
String[] split = rawMessage.split(" ");
List<String> args = new LinkedList<>(Arrays.asList(split));
String label = args.remove(0).toLowerCase();
String playerId = (player == null) ? consoleId : player.getAccount().getId();
// Check for special cases - currently only target command.
if (label.startsWith("@")) { // @[UID]
this.setPlayerTarget(playerId, player, label.substring(1));
} else if (label.equalsIgnoreCase("target")) { // target [[@]UID]
if (args.size() > 0) {
String targetUidStr = args.get(0);
if (targetUidStr.startsWith("@")) {
targetUidStr = targetUidStr.substring(1);
this.setPlayerTarget(playerId, player, targetUidStr);
} else {
this.setPlayerTarget(playerId, player, "");
// Get command handler.
CommandHandler handler = this.getHandler(label);
// Check if the handler is null.
if (handler == null) {
CommandHandler.sendTranslatedMessage(player, "commands.generic.unknown_command", label);
// Get the command's annotation.
Command annotation = this.annotations.get(label);
// Resolve targetPlayer
try {
targetPlayer = getTargetPlayer(playerId, player, targetPlayer, args);
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
// Check for permissions.
if (!Grasscutter.getPermissionHandler().checkPermission(player, targetPlayer, annotation.permission(), this.annotations.get(label).permissionTargeted())) {
// Check if command has unfulfilled constraints on targetPlayer
Command.TargetRequirement targetRequirement = annotation.targetRequirement();
if (targetRequirement != Command.TargetRequirement.NONE) {
if (targetPlayer == null) {
CommandHandler.sendTranslatedMessage(null, "commands.execution.need_target");
if ((targetRequirement == Command.TargetRequirement.ONLINE) && !targetPlayer.isOnline()) {
CommandHandler.sendTranslatedMessage(player, "commands.execution.need_target_online");
if ((targetRequirement == Command.TargetRequirement.OFFLINE) && targetPlayer.isOnline()) {
CommandHandler.sendTranslatedMessage(player, "commands.execution.need_target_offline");
// Copy player and handler to final properties.
final Player targetPlayerF = targetPlayer; // Is there a better way to do this?
final CommandHandler handlerF = handler; // Is there a better way to do this?
// Invoke execute method for handler.
Runnable runnable = () -> handlerF.execute(player, targetPlayerF, args);
if (annotation.threading()) {
new Thread(runnable).start();
} else {
* Scans for all classes annotated with {@link Command} and registers them.
private void scan() {
Reflections reflector = Grasscutter.reflector;
Set<Class<?>> classes = reflector.getTypesAnnotatedWith(Command.class);
classes.forEach(annotated -> {
try {
Command cmdData = annotated.getAnnotation(Command.class);
Object object = annotated.getDeclaredConstructor().newInstance();
if (object instanceof CommandHandler)
this.registerCommand(cmdData.label(), (CommandHandler) object);
else Grasscutter.getLogger().error("Class " + annotated.getName() + " is not a CommandHandler!");
} catch (Exception exception) {
Grasscutter.getLogger().error("Failed to register command handler for " + annotated.getSimpleName(), exception);