1294 lines
38 KiB

package emu.grasscutter.game.player;
import dev.morphia.annotations.*;
import emu.grasscutter.GameConstants;
import emu.grasscutter.Grasscutter;
import emu.grasscutter.data.GameData;
import emu.grasscutter.data.def.PlayerLevelData;
import emu.grasscutter.database.DatabaseHelper;
import emu.grasscutter.game.Account;
import emu.grasscutter.game.CoopRequest;
import emu.grasscutter.game.avatar.Avatar;
import emu.grasscutter.game.avatar.AvatarProfileData;
import emu.grasscutter.game.avatar.AvatarStorage;
import emu.grasscutter.game.entity.EntityGadget;
import emu.grasscutter.game.entity.EntityItem;
import emu.grasscutter.game.entity.GameEntity;
import emu.grasscutter.game.expedition.ExpeditionInfo;
import emu.grasscutter.game.friends.FriendsList;
import emu.grasscutter.game.friends.PlayerProfile;
import emu.grasscutter.game.gacha.PlayerGachaInfo;
import emu.grasscutter.game.inventory.GameItem;
import emu.grasscutter.game.inventory.Inventory;
import emu.grasscutter.game.mail.Mail;
import emu.grasscutter.game.mail.MailHandler;
import emu.grasscutter.game.managers.StaminaManager.StaminaManager;
import emu.grasscutter.game.managers.SotSManager;
import emu.grasscutter.game.props.ActionReason;
import emu.grasscutter.game.props.EntityType;
import emu.grasscutter.game.props.PlayerProperty;
import emu.grasscutter.game.props.SceneType;
import emu.grasscutter.game.shop.ShopLimit;
import emu.grasscutter.game.managers.MapMarkManager.*;
import emu.grasscutter.game.tower.TowerManager;
import emu.grasscutter.game.world.Scene;
import emu.grasscutter.game.world.World;
import emu.grasscutter.net.packet.BasePacket;
import emu.grasscutter.net.proto.*;
import emu.grasscutter.net.proto.AbilityInvokeEntryOuterClass.AbilityInvokeEntry;
import emu.grasscutter.net.proto.AttackResultOuterClass.AttackResult;
import emu.grasscutter.net.proto.CombatInvokeEntryOuterClass.CombatInvokeEntry;
import emu.grasscutter.net.proto.InteractTypeOuterClass.InteractType;
import emu.grasscutter.net.proto.MpSettingTypeOuterClass.MpSettingType;
import emu.grasscutter.net.proto.OnlinePlayerInfoOuterClass.OnlinePlayerInfo;
import emu.grasscutter.net.proto.PlayerLocationInfoOuterClass.PlayerLocationInfo;
import emu.grasscutter.net.proto.ProfilePictureOuterClass.ProfilePicture;
import emu.grasscutter.net.proto.SocialDetailOuterClass.SocialDetail;
import emu.grasscutter.server.event.player.PlayerJoinEvent;
import emu.grasscutter.server.event.player.PlayerQuitEvent;
import emu.grasscutter.server.game.GameServer;
import emu.grasscutter.server.game.GameSession;
import emu.grasscutter.server.packet.send.*;
import emu.grasscutter.utils.DateHelper;
import emu.grasscutter.utils.Position;
import emu.grasscutter.utils.MessageHandler;
import emu.grasscutter.utils.Utils;
import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.ints.Int2ObjectMap;
import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.ints.Int2ObjectOpenHashMap;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.concurrent.LinkedBlockingQueue;
@Entity(value = "players", useDiscriminator = false)
public class Player {
@Id private int id;
@Indexed(options = @IndexOptions(unique = true)) private String accountId;
@Transient private Account account;
private String nickname;
private String signature;
private int headImage;
private int nameCardId = 210001;
private Position pos;
private Position rotation;
private PlayerBirthday birthday;
private Map<Integer, Integer> properties;
private Set<Integer> nameCardList;
private Set<Integer> flyCloakList;
private Set<Integer> costumeList;
@Transient private long nextGuid = 0;
@Transient private int peerId;
@Transient private World world;
@Transient private Scene scene;
@Transient private GameSession session;
@Transient private AvatarStorage avatars;
@Transient private Inventory inventory;
@Transient private FriendsList friendsList;
@Transient private MailHandler mailHandler;
@Transient private MessageHandler messageHandler;
@Transient private SotSManager sotsManager;
private TeamManager teamManager;
private TowerManager towerManager;
private PlayerGachaInfo gachaInfo;
private PlayerProfile playerProfile;
private boolean showAvatar;
private ArrayList<AvatarProfileData> shownAvatars;
private Set<Integer> rewardedLevels;
private ArrayList<ShopLimit> shopLimit;
private Map<Long, ExpeditionInfo> expeditionInfo;
private int sceneId;
private int regionId;
private int mainCharacterId;
private boolean godmode;
private boolean moonCard;
private Date moonCardStartTime;
private int moonCardDuration;
private Set<Date> moonCardGetTimes;
private List<Integer> showAvatarList;
private boolean showAvatars;
@Transient private boolean paused;
@Transient private int enterSceneToken;
@Transient private SceneLoadState sceneState;
@Transient private boolean hasSentAvatarDataNotify;
@Transient private long nextSendPlayerLocTime = 0;
@Transient private final Int2ObjectMap<CoopRequest> coopRequests;
@Transient private final Queue<AttackResult> attackResults;
@Transient private final InvokeHandler<CombatInvokeEntry> combatInvokeHandler;
@Transient private final InvokeHandler<AbilityInvokeEntry> abilityInvokeHandler;
@Transient private final InvokeHandler<AbilityInvokeEntry> clientAbilityInitFinishHandler;
private MapMarksManager mapMarksManager;
@Transient private StaminaManager staminaManager;
private long springLastUsed;
@SuppressWarnings({"rawtypes", "unchecked"}) // Morphia only!
public Player() {
this.inventory = new Inventory(this);
this.avatars = new AvatarStorage(this);
this.friendsList = new FriendsList(this);
this.mailHandler = new MailHandler(this);
this.towerManager = new TowerManager(this);
this.pos = new Position();
this.rotation = new Position();
this.properties = new HashMap<>();
for (PlayerProperty prop : PlayerProperty.values()) {
if (prop.getId() < 10000) {
this.properties.put(prop.getId(), 0);
this.gachaInfo = new PlayerGachaInfo();
this.nameCardList = new HashSet<>();
this.flyCloakList = new HashSet<>();
this.costumeList = new HashSet<>();
this.sceneState = SceneLoadState.NONE;
this.attackResults = new LinkedBlockingQueue<>();
this.coopRequests = new Int2ObjectOpenHashMap<>();
this.combatInvokeHandler = new InvokeHandler(PacketCombatInvocationsNotify.class);
this.abilityInvokeHandler = new InvokeHandler(PacketAbilityInvocationsNotify.class);
this.clientAbilityInitFinishHandler = new InvokeHandler(PacketClientAbilityInitFinishNotify.class);
this.birthday = new PlayerBirthday();
this.rewardedLevels = new HashSet<>();
this.moonCardGetTimes = new HashSet<>();
this.shopLimit = new ArrayList<>();
this.expeditionInfo = new HashMap<>();
this.messageHandler = null;
this.mapMarksManager = new MapMarksManager();
this.staminaManager = new StaminaManager(this);
this.sotsManager = new SotSManager(this);
// On player creation
public Player(GameSession session) {
this.account = session.getAccount();
this.accountId = this.getAccount().getId();
this.session = session;
this.nickname = "Traveler";
this.signature = "";
this.teamManager = new TeamManager(this);
this.birthday = new PlayerBirthday();
this.setProperty(PlayerProperty.PROP_PLAYER_LEVEL, 1);
this.setProperty(PlayerProperty.PROP_IS_SPRING_AUTO_USE, 1);
this.setProperty(PlayerProperty.PROP_SPRING_AUTO_USE_PERCENT, 50);
this.setProperty(PlayerProperty.PROP_IS_FLYABLE, 1);
this.setProperty(PlayerProperty.PROP_IS_TRANSFERABLE, 1);
this.setProperty(PlayerProperty.PROP_MAX_STAMINA, 24000);
this.setProperty(PlayerProperty.PROP_CUR_PERSIST_STAMINA, 24000);
this.setProperty(PlayerProperty.PROP_PLAYER_RESIN, 160);
this.getRotation().set(0, 307, 0);
this.messageHandler = null;
this.mapMarksManager = new MapMarksManager();
this.staminaManager = new StaminaManager(this);
this.sotsManager = new SotSManager(this);
public int getUid() {
return id;
public void setUid(int id) {
this.id = id;
public long getNextGameGuid() {
long nextId = ++this.nextGuid;
return ((long) this.getUid() << 32) + nextId;
public Account getAccount() {
return account;
public void setAccount(Account account) {
this.account = account;
public GameSession getSession() {
return session;
public void setSession(GameSession session) {
this.session = session;
public boolean isOnline() {
return this.getSession() != null && this.getSession().isActive();
public GameServer getServer() {
return this.getSession().getServer();
public synchronized World getWorld() {
return this.world;
public synchronized void setWorld(World world) {
this.world = world;
public synchronized Scene getScene() {
return scene;
public synchronized void setScene(Scene scene) {
this.scene = scene;
public int getGmLevel() {
return 1;
public String getNickname() {
return nickname;
public void setNickname(String nickName) {
this.nickname = nickName;
public int getHeadImage() {
return headImage;
public void setHeadImage(int picture) {
this.headImage = picture;
public String getSignature() {
return signature;
public void setSignature(String signature) {
this.signature = signature;
public Position getPos() {
return pos;
public Position getRotation() {
return rotation;
public int getLevel() {
return this.getProperty(PlayerProperty.PROP_PLAYER_LEVEL);
public int getExp() {
return this.getProperty(PlayerProperty.PROP_PLAYER_EXP);
public int getWorldLevel() {
return this.getProperty(PlayerProperty.PROP_PLAYER_WORLD_LEVEL);
public void setWorldLevel(int level) {
this.setProperty(PlayerProperty.PROP_PLAYER_WORLD_LEVEL, level);
this.sendPacket(new PacketPlayerPropNotify(this, PlayerProperty.PROP_PLAYER_WORLD_LEVEL));
public int getPrimogems() {
return this.getProperty(PlayerProperty.PROP_PLAYER_HCOIN);
public void setPrimogems(int primogem) {
this.setProperty(PlayerProperty.PROP_PLAYER_HCOIN, primogem);
this.sendPacket(new PacketPlayerPropNotify(this, PlayerProperty.PROP_PLAYER_HCOIN));
public int getMora() {
return this.getProperty(PlayerProperty.PROP_PLAYER_SCOIN);
public void setMora(int mora) {
this.setProperty(PlayerProperty.PROP_PLAYER_SCOIN, mora);
this.sendPacket(new PacketPlayerPropNotify(this, PlayerProperty.PROP_PLAYER_SCOIN));
public int getCrystals() {
return this.getProperty(PlayerProperty.PROP_PLAYER_MCOIN);
public void setCrystals(int crystals) {
this.setProperty(PlayerProperty.PROP_PLAYER_MCOIN, crystals);
this.sendPacket(new PacketPlayerPropNotify(this, PlayerProperty.PROP_PLAYER_MCOIN));
private int getExpRequired(int level) {
PlayerLevelData levelData = GameData.getPlayerLevelDataMap().get(level);
return levelData != null ? levelData.getExp() : 0;
private float getExpModifier() {
return Grasscutter.getConfig().getGameServerOptions().getGameRates().ADVENTURE_EXP_RATE;
// Affected by exp rate
public void earnExp(int exp) {
addExpDirectly((int) (exp * getExpModifier()));
// Directly give player exp
public void addExpDirectly(int gain) {
boolean hasLeveledUp = false;
int level = getLevel();
int exp = getExp();
int reqExp = getExpRequired(level);
exp += gain;
while (exp >= reqExp && reqExp > 0) {
exp -= reqExp;
level += 1;
reqExp = getExpRequired(level);
hasLeveledUp = true;
if (hasLeveledUp) {
// Set level property
this.setProperty(PlayerProperty.PROP_PLAYER_LEVEL, level);
// Update social status
// Update player with packet
this.sendPacket(new PacketPlayerPropNotify(this, PlayerProperty.PROP_PLAYER_LEVEL));
// Set exp
this.setProperty(PlayerProperty.PROP_PLAYER_EXP, exp);
// Update player with packet
this.sendPacket(new PacketPlayerPropNotify(this, PlayerProperty.PROP_PLAYER_EXP));
private void updateProfile() {
public boolean isFirstLoginEnterScene() {
return !this.hasSentAvatarDataNotify;
public TeamManager getTeamManager() {
return this.teamManager;
public TowerManager getTowerManager() {
return towerManager;
public PlayerGachaInfo getGachaInfo() {
return gachaInfo;
public PlayerProfile getProfile() {
if (this.playerProfile == null) {
this.playerProfile = new PlayerProfile(this);
return playerProfile;
// TODO: Based on the proto, property value could be int or float.
// Although there's no float value at this moment, our code should be prepared for float values.
public Map<Integer, Integer> getProperties() {
return properties;
public boolean setProperty(PlayerProperty prop, int value) {
return setPropertyWithSanityCheck(prop, value);
public int getProperty(PlayerProperty prop) {
return getProperties().get(prop.getId());
public Set<Integer> getFlyCloakList() {
return flyCloakList;
public Set<Integer> getCostumeList() {
return costumeList;
public Set<Integer> getNameCardList() {
return this.nameCardList;
public MpSettingType getMpSetting() {
public Queue<AttackResult> getAttackResults() {
return this.attackResults;
public synchronized Int2ObjectMap<CoopRequest> getCoopRequests() {
return coopRequests;
public InvokeHandler<CombatInvokeEntry> getCombatInvokeHandler() {
return this.combatInvokeHandler;
public InvokeHandler<AbilityInvokeEntry> getAbilityInvokeHandler() {
return this.abilityInvokeHandler;
public InvokeHandler<AbilityInvokeEntry> getClientAbilityInitFinishHandler() {
return clientAbilityInitFinishHandler;
public AvatarStorage getAvatars() {
return avatars;
public Inventory getInventory() {
return inventory;
public FriendsList getFriendsList() {
return this.friendsList;
public MailHandler getMailHandler() {
return mailHandler;
public int getEnterSceneToken() {
return enterSceneToken;
public void setEnterSceneToken(int enterSceneToken) {
this.enterSceneToken = enterSceneToken;
public int getNameCardId() {
return nameCardId;
public void setNameCardId(int nameCardId) {
this.nameCardId = nameCardId;
public int getMainCharacterId() {
return mainCharacterId;
public void setMainCharacterId(int mainCharacterId) {
this.mainCharacterId = mainCharacterId;
public int getPeerId() {
return peerId;
public void setPeerId(int peerId) {
this.peerId = peerId;
public int getClientTime() {
return session.getClientTime();
public long getLastPingTime() {
return session.getLastPingTime();
public boolean isPaused() {
return paused;
public void setPaused(boolean newPauseState) {
boolean oldPauseState = this.paused;
this.paused = newPauseState;
if (newPauseState && !oldPauseState) {
} else if (oldPauseState && !newPauseState) {
public long getSpringLastUsed() {
return springLastUsed;
public void setSpringLastUsed(long val) {
springLastUsed = val;
public SceneLoadState getSceneLoadState() {
return sceneState;
public void setSceneLoadState(SceneLoadState sceneState) {
this.sceneState = sceneState;
public boolean isInMultiplayer() {
return this.getWorld() != null && this.getWorld().isMultiplayer();
public int getSceneId() {
return sceneId;
public void setSceneId(int sceneId) {
this.sceneId = sceneId;
public int getRegionId() {
return regionId;
public void setRegionId(int regionId) {
this.regionId = regionId;
public void setShowAvatars(boolean showAvatars) {
this.showAvatars = showAvatars;
public boolean isShowAvatars() {
return showAvatars;
public void setShowAvatarList(List<Integer> showAvatarList) {
this.showAvatarList = showAvatarList;
public List<Integer> getShowAvatarList() {
return showAvatarList;
public boolean inMoonCard() {
return moonCard;
public void setMoonCard(boolean moonCard) {
this.moonCard = moonCard;
public void addMoonCardDays(int days) {
this.moonCardDuration += days;
public int getMoonCardDuration() {
return moonCardDuration;
public void setMoonCardDuration(int moonCardDuration) {
this.moonCardDuration = moonCardDuration;
public Date getMoonCardStartTime() {
return moonCardStartTime;
public void setMoonCardStartTime(Date moonCardStartTime) {
this.moonCardStartTime = moonCardStartTime;
public Set<Date> getMoonCardGetTimes() {
return moonCardGetTimes;
public void setMoonCardGetTimes(Set<Date> moonCardGetTimes) {
this.moonCardGetTimes = moonCardGetTimes;
public int getMoonCardRemainDays() {
Calendar remainCalendar = Calendar.getInstance();
remainCalendar.add(Calendar.DATE, moonCardDuration);
Date theLastDay = remainCalendar.getTime();
Date now = DateHelper.onlyYearMonthDay(new Date());
return (int) ((theLastDay.getTime() - now.getTime()) / (24 * 60 * 60 * 1000)); // By copilot
public void rechargeMoonCard() {
inventory.addItem(new GameItem(203, 300));
if (!moonCard) {
moonCard = true;
Date now = new Date();
moonCardStartTime = DateHelper.onlyYearMonthDay(now);
moonCardDuration = 30;
} else {
moonCardDuration += 30;
if (!moonCardGetTimes.contains(moonCardStartTime)) {
public void getTodayMoonCard() {
if (!moonCard) {
Date now = DateHelper.onlyYearMonthDay(new Date());
if (moonCardGetTimes.contains(now)) {
Date stopTime = new Date();
Calendar stopCalendar = Calendar.getInstance();
stopCalendar.add(Calendar.DATE, moonCardDuration);
stopTime = stopCalendar.getTime();
if (now.after(stopTime)) {
moonCard = false;
GameItem item = new GameItem(201, 90);
getInventory().addItem(item, ActionReason.BlessingRedeemReward);
session.send(new PacketCardProductRewardNotify(getMoonCardRemainDays()));
public Map<Long, ExpeditionInfo> getExpeditionInfo() {
return expeditionInfo;
public void addExpeditionInfo(long avaterGuid, int expId, int hourTime, int startTime){
ExpeditionInfo exp = new ExpeditionInfo();
expeditionInfo.put(avaterGuid, exp);
public void removeExpeditionInfo(long avaterGuid){
public ExpeditionInfo getExpeditionInfo(long avaterGuid){
return expeditionInfo.get(avaterGuid);
public List<ShopLimit> getShopLimit() {
return shopLimit;
public ShopLimit getGoodsLimit(int goodsId) {
Optional<ShopLimit> shopLimit = this.shopLimit.stream().filter(x -> x.getShopGoodId() == goodsId).findFirst();
if (shopLimit.isEmpty())
return null;
return shopLimit.get();
public void addShopLimit(int goodsId, int boughtCount, int nextRefreshTime) {
ShopLimit target = getGoodsLimit(goodsId);
if (target != null) {
target.setHasBought(target.getHasBought() + boughtCount);
target.setHasBoughtInPeriod(target.getHasBoughtInPeriod() + boughtCount);
} else {
ShopLimit sl = new ShopLimit();
public boolean inGodmode() {
return godmode;
public void setGodmode(boolean godmode) {
this.godmode = godmode;
public boolean hasSentAvatarDataNotify() {
return hasSentAvatarDataNotify;
public void setHasSentAvatarDataNotify(boolean hasSentAvatarDataNotify) {
this.hasSentAvatarDataNotify = hasSentAvatarDataNotify;
public void addAvatar(Avatar avatar) {
boolean result = getAvatars().addAvatar(avatar);
if (result) {
// Add starting weapon
// Done
if (hasSentAvatarDataNotify()) {
// Recalc stats
// Packet
sendPacket(new PacketAvatarAddNotify(avatar, false));
} else {
// Failed adding avatar
public void addFlycloak(int flycloakId) {
this.sendPacket(new PacketAvatarGainFlycloakNotify(flycloakId));
public void addCostume(int costumeId) {
this.sendPacket(new PacketAvatarGainCostumeNotify(costumeId));
public void addNameCard(int nameCardId) {
this.sendPacket(new PacketUnlockNameCardNotify(nameCardId));
public void setNameCard(int nameCardId) {
if (!this.getNameCardList().contains(nameCardId)) {
this.sendPacket(new PacketSetNameCardRsp(nameCardId));
public void dropMessage(Object message) {
if (this.messageHandler != null) {
this.sendPacket(new PacketPrivateChatNotify(GameConstants.SERVER_CONSOLE_UID, getUid(), message.toString()));
* Sends a message to another player.
* @param sender The sender of the message.
* @param message The message to send.
public void sendMessage(Player sender, Object message) {
this.sendPacket(new PacketPrivateChatNotify(sender.getUid(), this.getUid(), message.toString()));
// ---------------------MAIL------------------------
public List<Mail> getAllMail() { return this.getMailHandler().getMail(); }
public void sendMail(Mail message) {
public boolean deleteMail(int mailId) {
return this.getMailHandler().deleteMail(mailId);
public Mail getMail(int index) { return this.getMailHandler().getMailById(index); }
public int getMailId(Mail message) {
return this.getMailHandler().getMailIndex(message);
public boolean replaceMailByIndex(int index, Mail message) {
return this.getMailHandler().replaceMailByIndex(index, message);
public void interactWith(int gadgetEntityId) {
GameEntity entity = getScene().getEntityById(gadgetEntityId);
if (entity == null) {
// Handle
if (entity instanceof EntityItem) {
// Pick item
EntityItem drop = (EntityItem) entity;
if (!drop.isShare()) // check drop owner to avoid someone picked up item in others' world
int dropOwner = (int)(drop.getGuid() >> 32);
if (dropOwner != getUid())
GameItem item = new GameItem(drop.getItemData(), drop.getCount());
// Add to inventory
boolean success = getInventory().addItem(item, ActionReason.SubfieldDrop);
if (success) {
if (!drop.isShare()) // not shared drop
this.sendPacket(new PacketGadgetInteractRsp(drop, InteractType.INTERACT_PICK_ITEM));
this.getScene().broadcastPacket(new PacketGadgetInteractRsp(drop, InteractType.INTERACT_PICK_ITEM));
} else if (entity instanceof EntityGadget) {
EntityGadget gadget = (EntityGadget) entity;
if (gadget.getGadgetData().getType() == EntityType.RewardStatue) {
if (scene.getChallenge() != null) {
this.sendPacket(new PacketGadgetInteractRsp(gadget, InteractType.INTERACT_OPEN_STATUE));
} else {
// Delete directly
public void onPause() {
public void onUnpause() {
public void sendPacket(BasePacket packet) {
if (this.hasSentAvatarDataNotify) {
public OnlinePlayerInfo getOnlinePlayerInfo() {
OnlinePlayerInfo.Builder onlineInfo = OnlinePlayerInfo.newBuilder()
if (this.getWorld() != null) {
} else {
return onlineInfo.build();
public PlayerBirthday getBirthday() {
return this.birthday;
public void setBirthday(int d, int m) {
this.birthday = new PlayerBirthday(d, m);
public boolean hasBirthday() {
return this.birthday.getDay() > 0;
public Set<Integer> getRewardedLevels() {
return rewardedLevels;
public void setRewardedLevels(Set<Integer> rewardedLevels) {
this.rewardedLevels = rewardedLevels;
public SocialDetail.Builder getSocialDetail() {
List<SocialShowAvatarInfoOuterClass.SocialShowAvatarInfo> socialShowAvatarInfoList = new ArrayList<>();
if (this.isOnline()) {
if (this.getShowAvatarList() != null) {
for (int avatarId : this.getShowAvatarList()) {
} else {
List<Integer> showAvatarList = DatabaseHelper.getPlayerById(id).getShowAvatarList();
AvatarStorage avatars = DatabaseHelper.getPlayerById(id).getAvatars();
if (showAvatarList != null) {
for (int avatarId : showAvatarList) {
SocialDetail.Builder social = SocialDetail.newBuilder()
return social;
public List<ShowAvatarInfoOuterClass.ShowAvatarInfo> getShowAvatarInfoList() {
List<ShowAvatarInfoOuterClass.ShowAvatarInfo> showAvatarInfoList = new ArrayList<>();
Player player;
boolean shouldRecalc;
if (this.isOnline()) {
player = this;
shouldRecalc = false;
} else {
player = DatabaseHelper.getPlayerById(id);
shouldRecalc = true;
List<Integer> showAvatarList = player.getShowAvatarList();
AvatarStorage avatars = player.getAvatars();
if (showAvatarList != null) {
for (int avatarId : showAvatarList) {
Avatar avatar = avatars.getAvatarById(avatarId);
if (shouldRecalc) {
return showAvatarInfoList;
public PlayerWorldLocationInfoOuterClass.PlayerWorldLocationInfo getWorldPlayerLocationInfo() {
return PlayerWorldLocationInfoOuterClass.PlayerWorldLocationInfo.newBuilder()
public PlayerLocationInfo getPlayerLocationInfo() {
return PlayerLocationInfo.newBuilder()
public MapMarksManager getMapMarksManager() {
return mapMarksManager;
public StaminaManager getStaminaManager() { return staminaManager; }
public SotSManager getSotSManager() { return sotsManager; }
public synchronized void onTick() {
// Check ping
if (this.getLastPingTime() > System.currentTimeMillis() + 60000) {
// Check co-op requests
Iterator<CoopRequest> it = this.getCoopRequests().values().iterator();
while (it.hasNext()) {
CoopRequest req = it.next();
if (req.isExpired()) {
req.getRequester().sendPacket(new PacketPlayerApplyEnterMpResultNotify(this, false, PlayerApplyEnterMpResultNotifyOuterClass.PlayerApplyEnterMpResultNotify.Reason.SYSTEM_JUDGE));
// Ping
if (this.getWorld() != null) {
// RTT notify - very important to send this often
this.sendPacket(new PacketWorldPlayerRTTNotify(this.getWorld()));
// Update player locations if in multiplayer every 5 seconds
long time = System.currentTimeMillis();
if (this.getWorld().isMultiplayer() && this.getScene() != null && time > nextSendPlayerLocTime) {
this.sendPacket(new PacketWorldPlayerLocationNotify(this.getWorld()));
this.sendPacket(new PacketScenePlayerLocationNotify(this.getScene()));
// Expedition
var timeNow = Utils.getCurrentSeconds();
var needNotify = false;
for (Long key : expeditionInfo.keySet()) {
ExpeditionInfo e = expeditionInfo.get(key);
if(e.getState() == 1){
if(timeNow - e.getStartTime() >= e.getHourTime() * 60 * 60){
needNotify = true;
this.sendPacket(new PacketAvatarExpeditionDataNotify(this));
public void resetSendPlayerLocTime() {
this.nextSendPlayerLocTime = System.currentTimeMillis() + 5000;
private void onLoad() {
public void save() {
public void onLogin() {
// Make sure these exist
if (this.getTeamManager() == null) {
this.teamManager = new TeamManager(this);
if (this.getProfile().getUid() == 0) {
// Check if player object exists in server
// TODO - optimize
Player exists = this.getServer().getPlayerByUid(getUid());
if (exists != null) {
// Load from db
// Create world
World world = new World(this);
// Add to gameserver
if (getSession().isActive()) {
getProfile().setPlayer(this); // Set online
// Multiplayer setting
this.setProperty(PlayerProperty.PROP_PLAYER_MP_SETTING_TYPE, this.getMpSetting().getNumber());
this.setProperty(PlayerProperty.PROP_IS_MP_MODE_AVAILABLE, 1);
// Packets
session.send(new PacketPlayerDataNotify(this)); // Player data
session.send(new PacketStoreWeightLimitNotify());
session.send(new PacketPlayerStoreNotify(this));
session.send(new PacketAvatarDataNotify(this));
getTodayMoonCard(); // The timer works at 0:0, some users log in after that, use this method to check if they have received a reward today or not. If not, send the reward.
session.send(new PacketPlayerEnterSceneNotify(this)); // Enter game world
session.send(new PacketPlayerLevelRewardUpdateNotify(rewardedLevels));
session.send(new PacketOpenStateUpdateNotify());
// First notify packets sent
// Call join event.
PlayerJoinEvent event = new PlayerJoinEvent(this); event.call();
if(event.isCanceled()) // If event is not cancelled, continue.
public void onLogout() {
// stop stamina calculation
// force to leave the dungeon
if (getScene().getSceneType() == SceneType.SCENE_DUNGEON) {
// Leave world
if (this.getWorld() != null) {
// Status stuff
this.getProfile().setPlayer(null); // Set offline
// Save to db
// Call quit event.
PlayerQuitEvent event = new PlayerQuitEvent(this); event.call();
public enum SceneLoadState {
private final int value;
private SceneLoadState(int value) {
this.value = value;
public int getValue() {
return this.value;
public void setMessageHandler(MessageHandler messageHandler) {
this.messageHandler = messageHandler;
private void saveSanityCheckedProperty(PlayerProperty prop, int value) {
getProperties().put(prop.getId(), value);
private boolean setPropertyWithSanityCheck(PlayerProperty prop, int value) {
if (prop == PlayerProperty.PROP_EXP) { // 1001
if (!(value >= 0)) { return false; }
} else if (prop == PlayerProperty.PROP_BREAK_LEVEL) { // 1002
// TODO: implement sanity check
} else if (prop == PlayerProperty.PROP_SATIATION_VAL) { // 1003
// TODO: implement sanity check
} else if (prop == PlayerProperty.PROP_SATIATION_PENALTY_TIME) { // 1004
// TODO: implement sanity check
} else if (prop == PlayerProperty.PROP_LEVEL) { // 4001
if (!(value >= 0 && value <= 90)) { return false; }
} else if (prop == PlayerProperty.PROP_LAST_CHANGE_AVATAR_TIME) { // 10001
// TODO: implement sanity check
} else if (prop == PlayerProperty.PROP_MAX_SPRING_VOLUME) { // 10002
if (!(value >= 0 && value <= getSotSManager().GlobalMaximumSpringVolume)) { return false; }
} else if (prop == PlayerProperty.PROP_CUR_SPRING_VOLUME) { // 10003
int playerMaximumSpringVolume = getProperty(PlayerProperty.PROP_MAX_SPRING_VOLUME);
if (!(value >= 0 && value <= playerMaximumSpringVolume)) { return false; }
} else if (prop == PlayerProperty.PROP_IS_SPRING_AUTO_USE) { // 10004
if (!(value >= 0 && value <= 1)) { return false; }
} else if (prop == PlayerProperty.PROP_SPRING_AUTO_USE_PERCENT) { // 10005
if (!(value >= 0 && value <= 100)) { return false; }
} else if (prop == PlayerProperty.PROP_IS_FLYABLE) { // 10006
if (!(0 <= value && value <= 1)) { return false; }
} else if (prop == PlayerProperty.PROP_IS_WEATHER_LOCKED) { // 10007
if (!(0 <= value && value <= 1)) { return false; }
} else if (prop == PlayerProperty.PROP_IS_GAME_TIME_LOCKED) { // 10008
if (!(0 <= value && value <= 1)) { return false; }
} else if (prop == PlayerProperty.PROP_IS_TRANSFERABLE) { // 10009
if (!(0 <= value && value <= 1)) { return false; }
} else if (prop == PlayerProperty.PROP_MAX_STAMINA) { // 10010
if (!(value >= 0 && value <= getStaminaManager().GlobalMaximumStamina)) { return false; }
} else if (prop == PlayerProperty.PROP_CUR_PERSIST_STAMINA) { // 10011
int playerMaximumStamina = getProperty(PlayerProperty.PROP_MAX_STAMINA);
if (!(value >= 0 && value <= playerMaximumStamina)) { return false; }
} else if (prop == PlayerProperty.PROP_CUR_TEMPORARY_STAMINA) { // 10012
// TODO: implement sanity check
} else if (prop == PlayerProperty.PROP_PLAYER_LEVEL) { // 10013
if (!(0 < value && value <= 90)) { return false; }
} else if (prop == PlayerProperty.PROP_PLAYER_EXP) { // 10014
if (!(0 <= value)) { return false; }
} else if (prop == PlayerProperty.PROP_PLAYER_HCOIN) { // 10015
// see PlayerProperty.PROP_PLAYER_HCOIN comments
} else if (prop == PlayerProperty.PROP_PLAYER_SCOIN) { // 10016
// See 10015
} else if (prop == PlayerProperty.PROP_PLAYER_MP_SETTING_TYPE) { // 10017
if (!(0 <= value && value <= 2)) { return false; }
} else if (prop == PlayerProperty.PROP_IS_MP_MODE_AVAILABLE) { // 10018
if (!(0 <= value && value <= 1)) { return false; }
} else if (prop == PlayerProperty.PROP_PLAYER_WORLD_LEVEL) { // 10019
if (!(0 <= value && value <= 8)) { return false; }
} else if (prop == PlayerProperty.PROP_PLAYER_RESIN) { // 10020
// Do not set 160 as a cap, because player can have more than 160 when they use fragile resin.
if (!(0 <= value)) { return false; }
} else if (prop == PlayerProperty.PROP_PLAYER_WAIT_SUB_HCOIN) { // 10022
// TODO: implement sanity check
} else if (prop == PlayerProperty.PROP_PLAYER_WAIT_SUB_SCOIN) { // 10023
// TODO: implement sanity check
} else if (prop == PlayerProperty.PROP_IS_ONLY_MP_WITH_PS_PLAYER) { // 10024
if (!(0 <= value && value <= 1)) { return false; }
} else if (prop == PlayerProperty.PROP_PLAYER_MCOIN) { // 10025
// see 10015
} else if (prop == PlayerProperty.PROP_PLAYER_WAIT_SUB_MCOIN) { // 10026
// TODO: implement sanity check
} else if (prop == PlayerProperty.PROP_PLAYER_LEGENDARY_KEY) { // 10027
// TODO: implement sanity check
} else if (prop == PlayerProperty.PROP_IS_HAS_FIRST_SHARE) { // 10028
// TODO: implement sanity check
} else if (prop == PlayerProperty.PROP_PLAYER_FORGE_POINT) { // 10029
// TODO: implement sanity check
} else if (prop == PlayerProperty.PROP_CUR_CLIMATE_METER) { // 10035
// TODO: implement sanity check
} else if (prop == PlayerProperty.PROP_CUR_CLIMATE_TYPE) { // 10036
// TODO: implement sanity check
} else if (prop == PlayerProperty.PROP_CUR_CLIMATE_AREA_ID) { // 10037
// TODO: implement sanity check
} else if (prop == PlayerProperty.PROP_CUR_CLIMATE_AREA_CLIMATE_TYPE) { // 10038
// TODO: implement sanity check
} else if (prop == PlayerProperty.PROP_PLAYER_WORLD_LEVEL_LIMIT) { // 10039
// TODO: implement sanity check
} else if (prop == PlayerProperty.PROP_PLAYER_WORLD_LEVEL_ADJUST_CD) { // 10040
// TODO: implement sanity check
} else if (prop == PlayerProperty.PROP_PLAYER_LEGENDARY_DAILY_TASK_NUM) { // 10041
// TODO: implement sanity check
} else if (prop == PlayerProperty.PROP_PLAYER_HOME_COIN) { // 10042
if (!(0 <= value)) { return false; }
} else if (prop == PlayerProperty.PROP_PLAYER_WAIT_SUB_HOME_COIN) { // 10043
// TODO: implement sanity check
saveSanityCheckedProperty(prop, value);
return false;