lactose 59a412cc83 Set Constellation Command (#1565)
Original commits:

* create `SetConstCommand` class and translations

* (partially) functional `setconst` command

* fixed punctuation

* added success message

* implemented `SetConstCommand`

* added translation keys

* update keys

* refactor + automatic reload

* Nitpick (Co-authored-by: AnimeGitB <>)
2022-07-26 16:44:17 +09:30

378 lines
19 KiB
Raw Blame History

This file contains ambiguous Unicode characters

This file contains Unicode characters that might be confused with other characters. If you think that this is intentional, you can safely ignore this warning. Use the Escape button to reveal them.

"messages": {
"game": {
"port_bind": "游戏服务器已在端口 %s 上启动",
"connect": "客户端 %s 已连接",
"disconnect": "客户端 %s 已断开连接",
"game_update_error": "游戏更新时发生错误",
"command_error": "命令发生错误:"
"dispatch": {
"port_bind": "[Dispatch] 服务器已在端口 %s 上启动",
"request": "[Dispatch] 客户端 %s 请求:%s %s",
"keystore": {
"general_error": "[Dispatch] 加载 keystore 文件时发生错误!",
"password_error": "[Dispatch] 加载 keystore 失败。正在尝试使用 keystore 默认密码...",
"no_keystore_error": "[Dispatch] 未找到 SSL 证书!已降级到 HTTP 模式",
"default_password": "[Dispatch] 成功加载 keystore 默认密码。请考虑将 config.json 中默认密码设置为 123456"
"authentication": {
"default_unable_to_verify": "[Authentication] 称为 verifyUser 的方法在默认验证程序中不可用"
"no_commands_error": "仅 Dispatch 模式不支持使用命令",
"unhandled_request_error": "[Dispatch] 潜在的未处理请求:%s %s",
"account": {
"login_attempt": "[Dispatch] 客户端 %s 正在尝试登录",
"login_success": "[Dispatch] 客户端 %s 已登录UID 为 %s",
"login_max_player_limit": "[Dispatch] 客户端 %s 登录失败:在线人数已满",
"login_token_attempt": "[Dispatch] 客户端 %s 正在尝试通过 token 登录",
"login_token_error": "[Dispatch] 客户端 %s 通过 token 登录失败",
"login_token_success": "[Dispatch] 客户端 %s 已通过 token 登录UID 为 %s",
"login_password_error": "🇺🇸[Dispatch] Client %s failed to log in via password.",
"login_password_storage_error": "🇺🇸[Dispatch] Client %s failed to log in via password because there is no password in the database.",
"combo_token_success": "[Dispatch] 客户端 %s 成功交换 token",
"combo_token_error": "[Dispatch] 客户端 %s 交换 token 失败",
"account_login_create_success": "[Dispatch] 客户端 %s 登录失败:已注册 UID 为 %s 的账号",
"account_login_create_error": "[Dispatch] 客户端 %s 登录失败:账号创建失败",
"account_login_exist_error": "[Dispatch] 客户端 %s 登录失败:账号不存在",
"account_cache_error": "游戏账号缓存信息错误",
"session_key_error": "会话密钥错误",
"username_error": "未找到用户名",
"username_create_error": "未找到用户名,建立连接失败",
"password_error": "🇺🇸Invalid Password",
"password_length_error": "🇺🇸Password length must be greater then or equal to 8",
"password_storage_error": "🇺🇸You don't have a password for your account. Please contact an administrator.",
"server_max_player_limit": "服务器在线人数已满"
"router_error": "[Dispatch] 无法连接路由"
"status": {
"free_software": "Grasscutter 是免费开源软件,遵循 AGPL-3.0 license。如果你是付费购买的那你已经被骗了。项目地址",
"starting": "正在启动 Grasscutter...",
"shutdown": "正在关闭...",
"done": "加载完成!输入 \"help\" 查看命令列表",
"error": "发生了一个错误。",
"welcome": "欢迎使用 Grasscutter",
"run_mode_error": "无效的服务器运行模式:%s。",
"run_mode_help": "服务器运行模式必须为 'HYBRID'(混合)、'DISPATCH_ONLY'(仅 Dispatch) 或 'GAME_ONLY'(仅游戏)。Grasscutter 启动失败...",
"create_resources": "正在创建 resources 目录...",
"resources_error": "请将 BinOutput 和 ExcelBinOutput 复制到 resources 目录。",
"version": "Grasscutter 版本:%s-%s",
"game_version": "游戏版本:%s",
"resources": {
"loading": "正在加载 resources...",
"finish": "完成加载 resources。"
"commands": {
"generic": {
"not_specified": "未指定命令。",
"unknown_command": "未知命令:%s",
"permission_error": "你没有权限执行此命令。",
"console_execute_error": "此命令只能在控制台执行。",
"player_execute_error": "此命令只能在游戏内执行。",
"command_exist_error": "未找到命令。",
"no_usage_specified": "未指定用法",
"no_description_specified": "未指定说明",
"set_to": "%s 已设为 %s。",
"set_for_to": "%s [来自 %s] 已设为 %s。",
"invalid": {
"amount": "无效的数量。",
"artifactId": "无效的圣遗物ID。",
"avatarId": "无效的角色ID。",
"avatarLevel": "无效的角色等级。",
"entityId": "无效的实体ID。",
"itemId": "无效的物品ID。",
"itemLevel": "无效的物品等级。",
"itemRefinement": "无效的物品精炼等级。",
"statValue": "无效的属性值。",
"value_between": "无效的数值:%s 必须在 %s 和 %s 之间。",
"playerId": "无效的玩家ID。",
"uid": "无效的UID。",
"id": "无效的ID。"
"execution": {
"usage_prefix": "用法:",
"player_exist_error": "玩家不存在。",
"player_offline_error": "玩家已离线。",
"item_player_exist_error": "无效的物品/玩家UID。",
"player_exist_offline_error": "玩家不存在或已离线。",
"argument_error": "无效的参数。",
"clear_target": "目标已清除。",
"set_target": "随后的的命令都会以 @%s 为预设。",
"set_target_online": "@%s 在线。某些命令可能需要离线目标。",
"set_target_offline": "@%s 离线。某些命令可能需要在线目标。",
"need_target": "此命令需要一个目标 UID。添加 <@UID> 参数或使用 /target @UID 来指定默认目标。",
"need_target_online": "此命令需要在线目标 UID但当前目标离线。添加不同的 <@UID> 参数或使用 /target @UID 设置持久目标。",
"need_target_offline": "此命令需要离线目标 UID但当前目标在线。添加不同的 <@UID> 参数或使用 /target @UID 设置持久目标。"
"status": {
"enabled": "已启用",
"disabled": "未启用",
"help": "帮助",
"success": "成功"
"account": {
"invalid": "无效的UID。",
"exists": "具有此用户名和/或 UID 的账号已存在。",
"create": "已创建 UID 为 %s 的账号。",
"delete": "账号已删除。",
"no_account": "账号不存在。",
"description": "创建或删除账号"
"announce": {
"send_success": "成功发送了一则公告,你可以通过 /a revoke %s 撤销。",
"refresh_success": "成功刷新了公告配置。[共 %s 个]",
"revoke_done": "尝试撤回公告 %s。",
"not_found": "找不到公告 %s。",
"description": "向所有在线玩家发送公告,或者管理服务器的公告"
"clear": {
"weapons": "已清除 %s 的武器。",
"artifacts": "已清除 %s 的圣遗物。",
"materials": "已清除 %s 的材料。",
"furniture": "已清除 %s 的尘歌壶家具。",
"displays": "已清空 %s 的屏幕。",
"virtuals": "已清除 %s 的所有货币和经验值。",
"everything": "已清除 %s 的所有物品。",
"description": "从你的背包中删除所有未装备且已解锁的物品,包括稀有物品"
"coop": {
"success": "已强制传送 %s 到 %s 的世界。",
"description": "强制传送指定玩家到他人的世界。如果没有指定玩家,则会使你进入多人游戏状态"
"enter_dungeon": {
"changed": "已进入秘境 %s。",
"not_found_error": "秘境不存在。",
"in_dungeon_error": "你已经在这个秘境中了。",
"description": "进入指定秘境"
"give": {
"usage_relic": "用法give <圣遗物ID> [主词条ID] [<副词条ID>[,<强化次数>]]... [lv<等级 0-20>]",
"illegal_relic": "此圣遗物ID属于黑名单范围也许不是你想要的。",
"given": "已将 %s 个 %s 给予 %s。",
"given_with_level_and_refinement": "已将 %s [等级 %s, 精炼 %s] %s 个给予 %s。",
"given_level": "已将 %s [等级 %s] %s 个给予 %s。",
"given_avatar": "已将角色 %s [等级 %s] 给与 %s。",
"giveall_success": "成功给予全部物品。",
"description": "向你或指定的玩家给予物品。比如可以给予全部武器,角色和/或材料,也可以给予自定义圣遗物"
"heal": {
"success": "已治疗所有角色。",
"description": "治疗当前队伍的角色"
"help": {
"aliases": "别名:",
"available_commands": "可用命令:",
"tip_need_permission": "所需权限:",
"tip_need_no_permission": "无",
"tip_permission_targeted": " (对其他玩家使用这个命令还需要权限 %s)",
"warn_player_has_no_permission": "注意:你没有执行这个命令的权限。",
"description": "发送帮助信息或显示指定命令的信息"
"kick": {
"player_kick_player": "玩家 [%s:%s] 已将 [%s:%s] 踢出。",
"server_kick_player": "正在踢出玩家 [%s:%s]...",
"description": "从服务器内踢出指定玩家"
"killall": {
"scene_not_found_in_player_world": "未在玩家世界中找到此场景。",
"kill_monsters_in_scene": "已杀死场景 %s 中的 %s 个怪物。",
"description": "杀死所有怪物"
"killCharacter": {
"success": "已杀死 %s 当前角色。",
"description": "杀死玩家当前角色"
"language": {
"current_language": "当前语言:%s",
"language_changed": "语言切换至:%s",
"language_not_found": "目前服务端没有这种语言:%s",
"description": "显示或切换当前语言"
"list": {
"success": "目前在线人数:%s",
"description": "查看所有玩家"
"permission": {
"add": "权限已添加。",
"has_error": "此玩家已拥有此权限!",
"remove": "权限已移除。",
"not_have_error": "此玩家未拥有权限!",
"account_error": "账号不存在。",
"description": "添加或移除指定玩家的权限"
"position": {
"success": "坐标:%s, %s, %s\n场景ID%s",
"description": "获取所在位置"
"quest": {
"added": "已添加任务 %s。",
"finished": "已完成任务 %s。",
"not_found": "任务不存在。",
"invalid_id": "无效的任务ID。",
"description": "添加或完成任务"
"reload": {
"reload_start": "正在重载配置文件和数据...",
"reload_done": "重载完成。",
"description": "重载配置文件和数据"
"resetConst": {
"reset_all": "重置所有角色的命座。",
"success": "已重置 %s 的命座,重新登录后生效。",
"description": "重置当前角色的命之座,执行命令后需重新登录以生效"
"resetShopLimit": {
"success": "重置完成。",
"description": "重置指定玩家的商店刷新时间"
"sendMail": {
"give_usage": "🇺🇸Usage: give <player> <itemID|itemName> [amount] [level] [refinement]",
"user_not_exist": "用户 '%s' 不存在。",
"start_composition": "开始撰写邮件。\n请使用 '/sendmail <标题>' 继续。\n你可以随时使用 '/sendmail stop' 停止。",
"templates": "邮件模板尚未实装...",
"invalid_arguments": "无效的参数。",
"send_cancel": "取消发送邮件",
"send_done": "已将邮件发送给 %s",
"send_all_done": "邮件已发送给所有人!",
"not_composition_end": "邮件撰写未到最后阶段。\n请使用 '/sendmail %s' 继续,或使用 '/sendmail stop' 停止。",
"please_use": "请使用 '/sendmail %s'",
"set_title": "成功将邮件标题设为 '%s'。\n使用 '/sendmail <正文>' 来设置邮件内容。",
"set_contents": "成功将邮件内容设为 '%s'。\n使用 '/sendmail <发件人>' 来设置发件人。",
"set_message_sender": "发件人已设为 '%s'。\n使用 '/sendmail <物品ID|物品名称|finish> [数量] [等级]' 来添加附件。",
"send": "已添加 %s 个 %s [等级 %s] 附件。\n如果没有要继续添加的附件请使用 `/sendmail finish` 来发送邮件。",
"invalid_arguments_please_use": "无效的参数。\n请使用 '/sendmail %s'",
"title": "<标题>",
"message": "<正文>",
"sender": "<发件人>",
"arguments": "<物品ID|物品名称|finish> [数量] [等级]",
"error": "错误:无效的撰写阶段 %s。需要 StackTrace 请查看控制台。",
"description": "向指定用户发送邮件。此命令的用法会根据撰写阶段而改变"
"sendMessage": {
"success": "消息已发送。",
"description": "向玩家以服务器的身份发送消息。如果没有指定目标,则向服务器的全部玩家发送"
"setConst": {
"range_error": "Constellation level must be between 0 and 6.",
"level_error": "Invalid constellation level.",
"fail": "Failed to set constellation.",
"failed_success": "Constellations for %s have been set to %s. Please reload scene to see changes.",
"success": "Constellations for %s have been set to %s.",
"description": "Sets constellation level for your current active character"
"setFetterLevel": {
"range_error": "好感度等级必须在 0-10 之间。",
"success": "好感度已设为 %s 级。",
"level_error": "无效的好感度等级。",
"description": "设置当前角色的好感度等级"
"setProp": {
"description": "设置账号的状态。比如可以通过此命令启用 godmode也可以解锁深渊或更改纪行等级\n\t可更改的状态列表godmode(上帝模式)|nostamina(无限体力)|unlimitedenergy(无限能量)|abyss(深渊)|worldlevel(世界等级)|bplevel(纪行等级)\n查看 PlayerProperty enum 以获得其他数值,格式为 PROP_MAX_SPRING_VOLUME -> max_spring_volume"
"setStats": {
"description": "设置当前角色的属性\n\t可更改的属性列表hp(生命值)|maxhp(最大生命值)|def(防御力)|atk(攻击力)|em(元素精通)|er(元素充能效率)|crate(暴击率)|cdmg(暴击伤害)|cdr(冷却缩减)|heal(治疗加成)|heali(受治疗加成)|shield(护盾强效)|defi(无视防御)\n元素增伤epyro(火)|ecryo(冰)|ehydro(水)|egeo(岩)|edendro(草)|eelectro(雷)|ephys(物理)\n元素抗性respyro(火)|rescryo(冰)|reshydro(水)|resgeo(岩)|resdendro(草)|reselectro(雷)|resphys(物理)"
"spawn": {
"success": "已生成 %s 个 %s。",
"limit_reached": "场景中的生成数量已达上限。已替代为生成 %s 个实体。",
"description": "在你附近生成实体"
"stop": {
"success": "正在关闭服务器...",
"description": "停止服务器"
"talent": {
"lower_16": "无效的天赋等级天赋等级应小于等于15。",
"set_id": "将天赋等级设为 %s。",
"set_atk": "将普通攻击等级设为 %s。",
"set_e": "将元素战技等级设为 %s。",
"set_q": "将元素爆发等级设为 %s。",
"invalid_skill_id": "无效的技能ID。",
"invalid_level": "无效的天赋等级。",
"normal_attack_id": "普通攻击的 ID 为 %s。",
"e_skill_id": "元素战技ID %s。",
"q_skill_id": "元素爆发ID %s。",
"description": "设置当前角色的天赋等级"
"team": {
"invalid_usage": "无效的用法。",
"invalid_index": "无效的索引。",
"add_too_much": "服务端仅允许你队伍里至多有 %d 名角色。",
"failed_to_add_avatar": "无法根据ID %s 添加角色。",
"failed_to_parse_index": "无法解析索引:%s",
"remove_too_much": "你不能删除那么多角色,你的队伍列表将会变空。",
"ignore_index": "忽略的索引列表:%s",
"index_out_of_range": "你指定的索引超出了范围。",
"failed_parse_avatar_id": "无法解析的角色ID%s",
"avatar_already_in_team": "角色已经在你的队伍中了。",
"avatar_not_found": "无法找到该角色:%d",
"description": "手动修改你的队伍"
"teleportAll": {
"success": "已将所有玩家传送到你的位置。",
"error": "你只能在多人游戏状态下执行此命令。",
"description": "将你世界中的所有玩家传送到你所在的位置"
"teleport": {
"invalid_position": "无效的位置。",
"exists_error": "此场景不存在。",
"success": "传送 %s 到坐标 %s, %s, %s场景为 %s。",
"description": "改变指定玩家的位置"
"weather": {
"success": "已设置天气ID 为 %s气候类型为 %s。",
"status": "当前天气ID 为 %s气候类型为 %s。",
"description": "更改天气ID和气候类型。天气ID可以在 WeatherExcelConfigData.json 中找到。\n气候类型sunny(晴天), cloudy(多云), rain(雨), thunderstorm(雷雨), snow(雪), mist(雾)"
"ban": {
"success": "成功封禁玩家。",
"failure": "封禁玩家失败,因为玩家不存在。",
"invalid_time": "无法解析时间戳。",
"description": "封禁玩家"
"unban": {
"success": "成功取消玩家的封禁。",
"failure": "取消玩家的封禁失败,因为玩家不存在。",
"description": "取消玩家的封禁"
"gacha": {
"details": {
"title": "祈愿详情",
"available_five_stars": "可获得的5星物品",
"available_four_stars": "可获得的4星物品",
"available_three_stars": "可获得的3星物品"
"records": {
"title": "祈愿记录",
"date": "日期",
"item": "物品"
"documentation": {
"handbook": {
"title": "🇺🇸GM Handbook",
"title_commands": "命令",
"title_avatars": "角色",
"title_items": "物品",
"title_scenes": "场景",
"title_monsters": "怪物",
"header_id": "ID",
"header_command": "命令",
"header_description": "说明",
"header_avatar": "角色",
"header_item": "物品",
"header_scene": "场景",
"header_monster": "怪物"
"index": {
"title": "文档",
"handbook": "🇺🇸GM Handbook",
"gacha_mapping": "祈愿物品映射JSON"