make mitmproxy ignore non Genshin hosts

This commit is contained in:
WangYneos 2022-04-23 12:02:10 +08:00
parent a23bb50fd2
commit 54d519fee3
2 changed files with 2 additions and 2 deletions

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@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ A WIP server reimplementation for *some anime game* 2.3-2.6
### Connecting with the client
½. Create an account using *server console command* below
1. Run a proxy daemon: (choose either one)
- mitmdump: `mitmdump -s -k`
- mitmdump: `mitmdump -s -k`--allow-hosts ".*\.yuanshen\.com|.*\.mihoyo\.com|.*\.hoyoverse\.com"
- Fiddler Classic: Run Fiddler Classic, turn on `Decrypt https traffic` in setting and change the default port there (Tools -> Options -> Connections) to anything other than `8888`, and load [this script](
- [Hosts file](
2. Trust CA certificate:

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@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ for /f "tokens=2*" %%a in ('reg query "HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVe
@rem TODO: External proxy when ORIG_PROXY_ENABLE == 0x1
echo set ws = createobject("") > "%temp%\proxy.vbs"
echo ws.currentdirectory = "%MITMDUMP_PATH%" >> "%temp%\proxy.vbs"
echo "cmd /c mitmdump.exe -s "^&chr(34)^&"%PROXY_SCRIPT_NAME%"^&chr(34)^&" -k",0 >> "%temp%\proxy.vbs"
echo "cmd /c mitmdump.exe -s "^&chr(34)^&"%PROXY_SCRIPT_NAME%"^&chr(34)^&" -k --allow-hosts \".*\.yuanshen\.com|.*\.mihoyo\.com|.*\.hoyoverse\.com\"",0 >> "%temp%\proxy.vbs"
del /f /q "%temp%\proxy.vbs" >nul 2>nul