mirror of
synced 2025-03-11 04:17:21 +08:00
Removed GCStatic. Cleaned up GachaRecordHandler.
This commit is contained in:
@ -67,3 +67,4 @@ mongod.exe
@ -92,7 +92,7 @@
<!-- This file could be generated automatically using `java -jar grasscutter.jar -gachamap` -->
<!-- You can also modify the file manually to customize it -->
<!-- Otherwise you may onle see number IDs in the gacha record -->
<script type="text/javascript" src="/gcstatic/mappings.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="/gacha/mappings"></script>
mappings['default'] = mappings['en-us']; // make en-us as default/fallback option
@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ public final class Grasscutter {
Tools.createGmHandbook(); return;
case "-gachamap" -> {
Tools.createGachaMapping(); return;
Tools.createGachaMapping("./gacha_mappings.js"); return;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,285 @@
package emu.grasscutter;
public final class Language {
public String An_error_occurred_during_game_update = "An error occurred during game update.";
public String Starting_Grasscutter = "Starting Grasscutter...";
public String Invalid_server_run_mode = "Invalid server run mode.";
public String Server_run_mode = "Server run mode must be 'HYBRID', 'DISPATCH_ONLY', or 'GAME_ONLY'. Unable to start Grasscutter...";
public String Shutting_down = "Shutting down...";
public String Start_done = "Done! For help, type \"help\"";
public String Dispatch_mode_not_support_command = "Commands are not supported in dispatch only mode.";
public String Command_error = "Command error:";
public String error = "An error occurred.";
public String grasscutter_is_free = "Grasscutter is FREE software. If you have paid for this, you may have been scammed. Homepage: https://github.com/Grasscutters/Grasscutter";
public String Game_start_port = "Game Server started on port %s";
public String Client_connect = "Client connected from %s";
public String Client_disconnect = "Client disconnected from %s";
public String Client_request = "[Dispatch] Client %s %s request: %s";
public String Not_load_keystore = "[Dispatch] Unable to load keystore. Trying default keystore password...";
public String Use_default_keystore = "[Dispatch] The default keystore password was loaded successfully. Please consider setting the password to 123456 in config.json.";
public String Load_keystore_error = "[Dispatch] Error while loading keystore!";
public String Not_find_ssl_cert = "[Dispatch] No SSL cert found! Falling back to HTTP server.";
public String Welcome = "Welcome to Grasscutter";
public String Potential_unhandled_request = "[Dispatch] Potential unhandled %s request: %s";
public String Client_login_token = "[Dispatch] Client %s is trying to log in via token";
public String Client_token_login_failed = "[Dispatch] Client %s failed to log in via token";
public String Client_login_in_token = "[Dispatch] Client %s logged in via token as %s";
public String Game_account_cache_error = "Game account cache information error";
public String Wrong_session_key = "Wrong session key.";
public String Client_exchange_combo_token = "[Dispatch] Client %s succeed to exchange combo token";
public String Client_failed_exchange_combo_token = "[Dispatch] Client %s failed to exchange combo token";
public String Dispatch_start_server_port = "[Dispatch] Dispatch server started on port %s";
public String Client_failed_login_account_create = "[Dispatch] Client %s failed to log in: Account %s created";
public String Client_failed_login_account_create_failed = "[Dispatch] Client %s failed to log in: Account create failed";
public String Client_failed_login_account_no_found = "[Dispatch] Client %s failed to log in: Account no found";
public String Client_login = "[Dispatch] Client %s logged in as %s";
public String Username_not_found = "Username not found.";
public String Username_not_found_create_failed = "Username not found, create failed.";
// Command
public String No_command_specified = "No command specified.";
public String Unknown_command = "Unknown command: ";
public String You_not_permission_run_command = "You do not have permission to run this command.";
public String This_command_can_only_run_from_console = "This command can only be run from the console.";
public String Run_this_command_in_game = "Run this command in-game.";
public String Invalid_playerId = "Invalid playerId.";
public String Player_not_found = "Player not found.";
public String Player_is_offline = "Player is offline.";
public String Invalid_item_id = "Invalid item id.";
public String Invalid_item_or_player_id = "Invalid item or player ID.";
public String Enabled = "enabled";
public String Disabled = "disabled";
public String No_command_found = "No command found.";
public String Help = "Help";
public String Player_not_found_or_offline = "Player not found or offline.";
public String Invalid_arguments = "Invalid arguments.";
public String Success = "Success";
public String Invalid_entity_id = "Invalid entity id.";
// Help
public String Help_usage = " Usage: ";
public String Help_aliases = " Aliases: ";
public String Help_available_command = "Available commands:";
// Account
public String Modify_user_account = "Modify user accounts";
public String Invalid_UID = "Invalid UID.";
public String Account_exists = "Account already exists.";
public String Account_create_UID = "Account created with UID %s.";
public String Account_delete = "Account deleted.";
public String Account_not_find = "Account not found.";
public String Account_command_usage = "Usage: account <create|delete> <username> [uid]";
// Broadcast
public String Broadcast_command_usage = "Usage: broadcast <message>";
public String Broadcast_message_sent = "Message sent.";
// ChangeScene
public String Change_screen_usage = "Usage: changescene <scene id>";
public String Change_screen_you_in_that_screen = "You are already in that scene";
public String Change_screen = "Changed to scene ";
public String Change_screen_not_exist = "Scene does not exist";
// Clear
public String Clear_weapons = "Cleared weapons for %s .";
public String Clear_artifacts = "Cleared artifacts for %s .";
public String Clear_materials = "Cleared materials for %s .";
public String Clear_furniture = "Cleared furniture for %s .";
public String Clear_displays = "Cleared displays for %s .";
public String Clear_virtuals = "Cleared virtuals for %s .";
public String Clear_everything = "Cleared everything for %s .";
// Coop
public String Coop_usage = "Usage: coop <playerId> <target playerId>";
// Drop
public String Drop_usage = "Usage: drop <itemId|itemName> [amount]";
public String Drop_dropped_of = "Dropped %s of %s.";
// EnterDungeon
public String EnterDungeon_usage = "Usage: enterdungeon <dungeon id>";
public String EnterDungeon_changed_to_dungeon = "Changed to dungeon ";
public String EnterDungeon_dungeon_not_found = "Dungeon does not exist";
public String EnterDungeon_you_in_that_dungeon = "You are already in that dungeon";
// GiveAll
public String GiveAll_usage = "Usage: giveall [player] [amount]";
public String GiveAll_item = "Giving all items...";
public String GiveAll_done = "Giving all items done";
public String GiveAll_invalid_amount_or_playerId = "Invalid amount or player ID.";
// GiveArtifact
public String GiveArtifact_usage = "Usage: giveart|gart [player] <artifactId> <mainPropId> [<appendPropId>[,<times>]]... [level]";
public String GiveArtifact_invalid_artifact_id = "Invalid artifact ID.";
public String GiveArtifact_given = "Given %s to %s.";
// GiveChar
public String GiveChar_usage = "Usage: givechar <player> <itemId|itemName> [amount]";
public String GiveChar_given = "Given %s with level %s to %s.";
public String GiveChar_invalid_avatar_id = "Invalid avatar id.";
public String GiveChar_invalid_avatar_level = "Invalid avatar level.";
public String GiveChar_invalid_avatar_or_player_id = "Invalid avatar or player ID.";
// Give
public String Give_usage = "Usage: give <player> <itemId|itemName> [amount] [level]";
public String Give_refinement_only_applicable_weapons = "Refinement is only applicable to weapons.";
public String Give_refinement_must_between_1_and_5 = "Refinement must be between 1 and 5.";
public String Give_given = "Given %s of %s to %s.";
public String Give_given_with_level_and_refinement = "Given %s with level %s, refinement %s %s times to %s";
public String Give_given_level = "Given %s with level %s %s times to %s";
// GodMode
public String Godmode_status = "Godmode is now %s for %s .";
// Heal
public String Heal_message = "All characters have been healed.";
// Kick
public String Kick_player_kick_player = "Player [%s:%s] has kicked player [%s:%s]";
public String Kick_server_player = "Kicking player [%s:%s]";
// Kill
public String Kill_usage = "Usage: killall [playerUid] [sceneId]";
public String Kill_scene_not_found_in_player_world = "Scene not found in player world";
public String Kill_kill_monsters_in_scene = "Killing %s monsters in scene %s";
// KillCharacter
public String KillCharacter_usage = "Usage: /killcharacter [playerId]";
public String KillCharacter_kill_current_character = "Killed %s current character.";
// List
public String List_message = "There are %s player(s) online:";
// Permission
public String Permission_usage = "Usage: permission <add|remove> <username> <permission>";
public String Permission_add = "Permission added.";
public String Permission_have_permission = "They already have this permission!";
public String Permission_remove = "Permission removed.";
public String Permission_not_have_permission = "They don't have this permission!";
// Position
public String Position_message = "Coord: %.3f, %.3f, %.3f\nScene id: %d";
// Reload
public String Reload_reload_start = "Reloading config.";
public String Reload_reload_done = "Reload complete.";
// ResetConst
public String ResetConst_reset_all = "Reset all avatars' constellations.";
public String ResetConst_reset_all_done = "Constellations for %s have been reset. Please relog to see changes.";
// ResetShopLimit
public String ResetShopLimit_usage = "Usage: /resetshop <player id>";
// SendMail
public String SendMail_usage = "Usage: give [player] <itemId|itemName> [amount]";
public String SendMail_user_not_exist = "The user with an id of '%s' does not exist";
public String SendMail_start_composition = "Starting composition of message.\nPlease use `/sendmail <title>` to continue.\nYou can use `/sendmail stop` at any time";
public String SendMail_templates = "Mail templates coming soon implemented...";
public String SendMail_invalid_arguments = "Invalid arguments.\nUsage `/sendmail <userId|all|help> [templateId]`";
public String SendMail_send_cancel = "Message sending cancelled";
public String SendMail_send_done = "Message sent to user %s!";
public String SendMail_send_all_done = "Message sent to all users!";
public String SendMail_not_composition_end = "Message composition not at final stage.\nPlease use `/sendmail %s` or `/sendmail stop` to cancel";
public String SendMail_Please_use = "Please use `/sendmail %s`";
public String SendMail_set_title = "Message title set as '%s'.\nUse '/sendmail <content>' to continue.";
public String SendMail_set_contents = "Message contents set as '%s'.\nUse '/sendmail <sender>' to continue.";
public String SendMail_set_message_sender = "Message sender set as '%s'.\nUse '/sendmail <itemId|itemName|finish> [amount] [level]' to continue.";
public String SendMail_send = "Attached %s of %s (level %s) to the message.\nContinue adding more items or use `/sendmail finish` to send the message.";
public String SendMail_invalid_arguments_please_use = "Invalid arguments \n Please use `/sendmail %s`";
public String SendMail_title = "<title>";
public String SendMail_message = "<message>";
public String SendMail_sender = "<sender>";
public String SendMail_arguments = "<itemId|itemName|finish> [amount] [level]";
public String SendMail_error = "ERROR: invalid construction stage %s. Check console for stacktrace.";
// SendMessage
public String SendMessage_usage = "Usage: sendmessage <player> <message>";
public String SenaMessage_message_sent = "Message sent.";
// SetFetterLevel
public String SetFetterLevel_usage = "Usage: setfetterlevel <level>";
public String SetFetterLevel_fetter_level_must_between_0_and_10 = "Fetter level must be between 0 and 10.";
public String SetFetterLevel_fetter_set_level = "Fetter level set to %s";
public String SetFetterLevel_invalid_fetter_level = "Invalid fetter level.";
// SetStats
public String SetStats_usage = "Usage: setstats|stats <stat> <value>";
public String SetStats_setstats_help_message = "Usage: /setstats|stats <hp | mhp | def | atk | em | er | crate | cdmg> <value> for basic stats";
public String SetStats_stats_help_message = "Usage: /stats <epyro | ecryo | ehydro | egeo | edend | eelec | ephys> <amount> for elemental bonus";
public String SetStats_set_max_hp = "MAX HP set to %s.";
public String SetStats_set_max_hp_error = "Invalid Max HP value.";
public String SetStats_set_hp = "HP set to %s.";
public String SetStats_set_hp_error = "Invalid HP value.";
public String SetStats_set_def = "DEF set to %s.";
public String SetStats_set_def_error = "Invalid DEF value.";
public String SetStats_set_atk = "ATK set to %s.";
public String SetStats_set_atk_error = "Invalid ATK value.";
public String SetStats_set_em = "Elemental Mastery set to %s.";
public String SetStats_set_em_error = "Invalid EM value.";
public String SetStats_set_er = "Energy recharge set to %s%.";
public String SetStats_set_er_error = "Invalid ER value.";
public String SetStats_set_cr = "Crit Rate set to %s%.";
public String SetStats_set_cr_error = "Invalid Crit Rate value.";
public String SetStats_set_cd = "Crit DMG set to %s%.";
public String SetStats_set_cd_error = "Invalid Crit DMG value.";
public String SetStats_set_pdb = "Pyro DMG Bonus set to %s%.";
public String SetStats_set_pdb_error = "Invalid Pyro DMG Bonus value.";
public String SetStats_set_cdb = "Cyro DMG Bonus set to %s%.";
public String SetStats_set_cdb_error = "Invalid Cyro DMG Bonus value.";
public String SetStats_set_hdb = "Hydro DMG Bonus set to %s%.";
public String SetStats_set_hdb_error = "Invalid Hydro DMG Bonus value.";
public String SetStats_set_adb = "Anemo DMG Bonus set to %s%.";
public String SetStats_set_adb_error = "Invalid Anemo DMG Bonus value.";
public String SetStats_set_gdb = "Geo DMG Bonus set to %s%.";
public String SetStats_set_gdb_error = "Invalid Geo DMG Bonus value.";
public String SetStats_set_edb = "Electro DMG Bonus set to %s%.";
public String SetStats_set_edb_error = "Invalid Electro DMG Bonus value.";
public String SetStats_set_physdb = "Physical DMG Bonus set to %s%.";
public String SetStats_set_physdb_error = "Invalid Physical DMG Bonus value.";
public String SetStats_set_ddb = "Dendro DMG Bonus set to %s%.";
public String SetStats_set_ddb_error = "Invalid Dendro DMG Bonus value.";
// SetWorldLevel
public String SetWorldLevel_usage = "Usage: setworldlevel <level>";
public String SetWorldLevel_world_level_must_between_0_and_8 = "World level must be between 0-8";
public String SetWorldLevel_set_world_level = "World level set to %s.";
public String SetWorldLevel_invalid_world_level = "Invalid world level.";
// Spawn
public String Spawn_usage = "Usage: spawn <entityId> [amount] [level(monster only)]";
public String Spawn_message = "Spawned %s of %s.";
// Stop
public String Stop_message = "Server shutting down...";
// Talent
public String Talent_usage_1 = "To set talent level: /talent set <talentID> <value>";
public String Talent_usage_2 = "Another way to set talent level: /talent <n or e or q> <value>";
public String Talent_usage_3 = "To get talent ID: /talent getid";
public String Talent_lower_16 = "Invalid talent level. Level should be lower than 16";
public String Talent_set_atk = "Set talent Normal ATK to %s.";
public String Talent_set_e = "Set talent E to %s.";
public String Talent_set_q = "Set talent Q to %s.";
public String Talent_invalid_skill_id = "Invalid skill ID.";
public String Talent_set_this = "Set this talent to %s.";
public String Talent_invalid_talent_level = "Invalid talent level.";
public String Talent_normal_attack_id = "Normal Attack ID %s.";
public String Talent_e_skill_id = "E skill ID %s.";
public String Talent_q_skill_id = "Q skill ID %s.";
// TeleportAll
public String TeleportAll_message = "You only can use this command in MP mode.";
// Teleport
public String Teleport_usage_server = "Usage: /tp @<player id> <x> <y> <z> [scene id]";
public String Teleport_usage = "Usage: /tp [@<player id>] <x> <y> <z> [scene id]";
public String Teleport_specify_player_id = "You must specify a player id.";
public String Teleport_invalid_position = "Invalid position.";
public String Teleport_message = "Teleported %s to %s,%s,%s in scene %s";
// Weather
public String Weather_usage = "Usage: weather <weatherId> [climateId]";
public String Weather_message = "Changed weather to %s with climate %s";
public String Weather_invalid_id = "Invalid ID.";
@ -16,14 +16,16 @@ import emu.grasscutter.net.proto.RegionInfoOuterClass.RegionInfo;
import emu.grasscutter.net.proto.RegionSimpleInfoOuterClass.RegionSimpleInfo;
import emu.grasscutter.server.dispatch.authentication.AuthenticationHandler;
import emu.grasscutter.server.dispatch.authentication.DefaultAuthenticationHandler;
import emu.grasscutter.server.dispatch.http.GachaRecordHandler;
import emu.grasscutter.server.dispatch.json.*;
import emu.grasscutter.server.dispatch.json.ComboTokenReqJson.LoginTokenData;
import emu.grasscutter.server.event.dispatch.QueryAllRegionsEvent;
import emu.grasscutter.server.event.dispatch.QueryCurrentRegionEvent;
import emu.grasscutter.server.http.gacha.GachaRecordHandler;
import emu.grasscutter.server.http.gcstatic.StaticFileHandler;
import emu.grasscutter.tools.Tools;
import emu.grasscutter.utils.FileUtils;
import emu.grasscutter.utils.Utils;
import express.Express;
import io.javalin.http.staticfiles.Location;
import org.eclipse.jetty.server.Connector;
import org.eclipse.jetty.server.Server;
import org.eclipse.jetty.server.ServerConnector;
@ -442,11 +444,18 @@ public final class DispatchServer {
// webstatic-sea.hoyoverse.com
httpServer.get("/admin/mi18n/plat_oversea/m202003048/m202003048-version.json", new DispatchHttpJsonHandler("{\"version\":51}"));
// gacha record
// gacha record.
String gachaMappingsPath = Utils.toFilePath(Grasscutter.getConfig().DATA_FOLDER + "/gacha_mappings.js");
// TODO: Only serve the html page and have a subsequent request to fetch the gacha data.
httpServer.get("/gacha", new GachaRecordHandler());
if(!(new File(gachaMappingsPath).exists())) {
// static file provider
httpServer.get("/gcstatic/*", new StaticFileHandler());
httpServer.raw().config.addSinglePageRoot("/gacha/mappings", gachaMappingsPath, Location.EXTERNAL);
// static file support for plugins
httpServer.raw().config.precompressStaticFiles = false; // If this isn't set to false, files such as images may appear corrupted when serving static files
Grasscutter.getLogger().info(Grasscutter.getLanguage().Dispatch_start_server_port.replace("{port}", Integer.toString(httpServer.raw().port())));
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
package emu.grasscutter.server.http.gacha;
package emu.grasscutter.server.dispatch.http;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.IOException;
@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ import emu.grasscutter.Grasscutter;
import emu.grasscutter.database.DatabaseHelper;
import emu.grasscutter.game.Account;
import emu.grasscutter.utils.FileUtils;
import emu.grasscutter.utils.Utils;
import express.http.HttpContextHandler;
import express.http.Request;
import express.http.Response;
@ -14,7 +15,7 @@ import express.http.Response;
public final class GachaRecordHandler implements HttpContextHandler {
String render_template;
public GachaRecordHandler() {
File template = new File(Grasscutter.getConfig().DATA_FOLDER + "gacha_records.html");
File template = new File(Utils.toFilePath(Grasscutter.getConfig().DATA_FOLDER + "/gacha_records.html"));
if (template.exists()) {
// Load from cache
render_template = new String(FileUtils.read(template));
@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
package emu.grasscutter.server.http.gcstatic;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.IOException;
import emu.grasscutter.Grasscutter;
import express.http.HttpContextHandler;
import express.http.Request;
import express.http.Response;
public final class StaticFileHandler implements HttpContextHandler {
String static_folder;
public StaticFileHandler() {
static_folder = Grasscutter.getConfig().RESOURCE_FOLDER + "/gcstatic";
public void handle(Request req, Response res) throws IOException {
// Grasscutter.getLogger().info( req.path());
String reqFilename = req.path().replace("/gcstatic", ""); // remove the leading path
reqFilename = reqFilename.replace("/../", "/./"); // security guard to prevent arbitrary read
File resFile = new File(static_folder + reqFilename);
if (resFile.exists()) {
} else {
@ -96,7 +96,7 @@ public final class Tools {
public static void createGachaMapping() throws Exception {
public static void createGachaMapping(String location) throws Exception {
Map<Long, String> map;
@ -106,11 +106,7 @@ public final class Tools {
List<Integer> list;
String fileName = Grasscutter.getConfig().RESOURCE_FOLDER + "/gcstatic";
File folder = new File(fileName);
if (!folder.exists()) { folder.mkdirs(); } // create folder if it doesn't exist
fileName = fileName + "/mappings.js";
String fileName = location;
try (PrintWriter writer = new PrintWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(new FileOutputStream(fileName), StandardCharsets.UTF_8), false)) {
Reference in New Issue
Block a user